Referral Form

Referral Process:

  1. Receive a Pushforward Referral Form from Council or School
  2. Within 2 weeks we will be in touch to either request further information or advise we are at capacity or not suitable provision and to seek an alternative option
  3. We will prepare a proposal for approval based on the information provided so far
  4. Case Worker to provide information on the panel date for the proposal to Pushforward.
  5. Case Worker to provide confirmation that the panel has approved the proposal.
  6. The completed Provider/Purchase Order Form or Pushforward Terms & Conditions are completed and signed
  7. 1 week – we will then contact the parent/carers to visit with them to find more out about the young person, to help us prepare a personalised timetable & provide a Welcome Pack
  8. 2 weeks – We will develop the timetable and confirm a start date