Secondary Education

And post 16 Education (11 - 18)

Our secondary Curriculum and progression is set over the following 3 stages.

Stage 2

Skills Building with our delivery practitioners - Find their spark! ⚡️

Build a suitable programme with them to learn the basics in e.g., car and motorbike mechanics, plumbing, carpentry, tiling, bricklaying, catering, event management, outdoor education, sports coaching, bike mechanics, welding, fabrication, bushcraft and home electrics through one to one tutoring gaining AQA award accreditation in recognition of successful achievement.

Monday to Friday (Term-Time). 1-2-1 sessions are usually 09:00 – 12:30 and 13:00-16:00 (sometimes these vary if we are doing an all day activity or location requires a change of time – but this will all be confirmed on the weekly timetable. 

Stage 3

Work Experience and Community Projects 🏘

To take part in completely bespoke work experiences with the ability to mix with engaging and positive role models. The provision will be developed as we learn more about the young person and where their strengths lie. Previous Examples Include.

Stage 4

Academic Support and Progression 📐

Supporting learners through their academic progress in Maths, English and Citizenship at a suitable level bringing the practical elements undertaken into the academic subjects.